Test protocols explained

Physical baseline tests

Before starting our Keto Adaptation protocols, we highly recommend performing our physical baseline tests. These tests are designed too predict how well you body is able too use the mechanics of a Keto Athlete, which are:

  • Ability too burn maximum amount of fat per minute of exercise, both dietary fat and stored fat tissue
  • Ability too use ketones for energy, that are produced from fat burning
  • Ability too replenish glycogen by producing glucose through gluconeogenesis

We have different test protocols which measure the above aspects at varying degree, if you want the best possible prediction of Keto Athlete mechanics, we recommend doing at least one test from each of our 4 test types

This test will be a low intensity aerobic workout.
This workout should be your primary sport, so if you are a runner you should do a low intensity run.
It is important that you use a running course that can be used on future retesting. Alternatively use the same type of treadmill/ergometer.

Workout type: Primary sport (run, bike, row, ski, swim, etc )
Duration: 60-120 minutes (Longer is better)
Heartrate: 70% of max

This test will be a threshold attempt
This workout must be a workout doing your primary sport, so if you are a runner this is a tempo run
It is important that you use a running course that can be used on future retesting. Alternatively use the same type of treadmill/ergometer.

Workout type: Primary sport (run, bike, row, ski, swim, etc )
Duration: 40-60 minute continuous threshold
Heartrate: 87% of max

This test is optional, but strongly recommended as it will preduct glycogen usage and replenishment.

During this test you should choose 3-5 compound strength exercises. We have a recommended list of exercises per sport, but feel free to compile your own protocol

Workout type: Explosive, hypertrofy or maximum strength
Duration: 20-40 minutes
Intensity: Max attempt

This test protocols is intented as a supplement for athletes competing in hybrid sports such as Hyrox, Dekafit, OCR or crossfit

These tests are intended too test your ability too switch between low and high glycogen demand, and ability too save glycogen during the aerobic segments of the workouts.

Workout type: Hybrid workout
Duration: 30-60 minutes
Intensity: Threshold during aerobic segments, max intensity during strength segments