Enter bodyweight in kilograms, you should measure your bodyweight at morning before breakfast
Enter your fat percentage.
You can find this by either measuring it with a body scanner, fat caliper or other tool
If you don't have any opportunity too make a measurement you can assume a value based on certain physical attributes. View our fat percentage tool for an approximation.
Enter the average number of hours doing aerobic training during a week.
Enter the average number of hours doing strength training during a week.
One hour of strength training has a minimum of 1:4 work:rest ratio
Choose what your goal is for your current training period
Recomposition will create a deficit in fat, and transferring the additional kcal into protein. Recomposition will lower fat percantage while increasing muscle mass. This protocol is only possible after minimum of initital keto adaptation. For more information, please check out our article on body recomposition in the Keto Laboratory.
Reduce body fat will create a small overall caloric deficit, by reducing fat intake. Too avoid that the body starts breaking down protein into glucose for energy, we highly recommend completing at least initial keto adaptation before using this protocol.
Maintenance is our standard protocol, you can still build muscle using this preset, by burning bodyfat too cover for the net negative energy from protein being used too build additional muscle mass.
For individuals with high insulin resistans, we recommend too use the strict keto protocol, as it gives the highest probability of staying in ketosis.
The average athlete should be able too maintain ketosis with the moderate keto protocol, but during the initial adaptation phase you have a higher chance of adapting faster when doing the strict keto.
Relaxed keto should only be used by athletes deep into the advanced keto adaptation, and don't have any insulin resistance issues.
For more information on insulin resistance, please check out this article in the Keto Laboratory
Conservative protein protocol follows general accepted guidelines on protein intake. As protein itself can cause a insulin spike and also be converted into glucose, this protocol is recommended for athletes just getting started on Keto, and have not yet completed the initial adaptation phase.
Aggressive protein protocol puts too total protein per kg of lean mass at the maximum of what an individual can utilise with high insulin sensitivity. This is generally a highly debatable subject, and we dive deeper into our reasoning behind this value in this article in the Keto Laboratory